X-ray; a Noninvasive Medical Test That Helps Physicians Diagnose and Treat Medical Conditions
An X-ray is an imaging technique used to examine the body. It is mainly used to look at the bones and joints. X-ray beams pass through the body and are absorbed in different amounts depending on the density of the material they pass through. While X-rays are linked to a slightly increased risk of cancer, there is an extremely low risk of short-term side effects, such as vomiting, fainting, bleeding, hair loss, etc. It is a form of electromagnetic radiation used for a variety of applications in the medical field. X-ray is used to monitor, view, and diagnose bone fractures, abdominal pain, cancer, infection, and joint injuries. Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. Mexico is a country with a high prevalence of risk factors associated with the onset of cancer, such as smoking and alcohol use. Breast cancer is one of the leading cause of cancer-related death and disability among Mexican and Japanese women. The incidence of breast cancer has continuously and rapidly increased over ...