Gene Synthesis; a Process of Creating Artificial Genes Using Synthetic Biology in a Lab

Gene Synthesis Gene Synthesis , also known as artificial gene synthesis, is defined as the synthetic biology method used to engineer artificial genes in the laboratory. It is the process of synthesizing a gene in vitro without the need for initial template. It has been used for a wide variety of applications, including the development of safer DNA vaccines and to study the metabolic regulation of cancer cells. Gene synthesis can also be used for up-regulating or down-regulating genes of interest. It is also used to build operons and variant libraries. Despite its many uses, it is still considered to be a relatively new technology. As compared to other forms of synthetic biology, it is relatively easy to use and offers a lot of possibilities for application. Gene Synthesis has many applications, including genetic engineering, agriculture, and targeted gene therapy. It has also been used to produce synthetic DNA libraries, which can be used to study complex pathways. Moreover,...