A Smart Insulin Pen Is A Reusable Injector Pen That Comes With An Easy-To-Use Smartphone App That Can Help People With Diabetes Better Manage Insulin Delivery


Smart Insulin Pen

A smart insulin pen is a reusable injector pen that comes with an easy-to-use smartphone app that can help people with diabetes better manage insulin delivery. This intelligent system calculates and tracks doses while also providing useful reminders, alerts, and reports. Smart insulin pens are either reusable or pre-filled and are used to deliver accurate insulin doses in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. The company that manufactures smart insulin pens is primarily involved in the design and manufacture of first and second generation smart insulin pens. 

Smart Insulin Pens (SIPs) have the potential to reshape a connected diabetes care ecosystem for patients, providers, and health systems. Existing SIPs are upgraded to include real-time wireless connectivity, digital dose capture, and integration with personalised dosing decision support. When combined with glucose data, automatic dose capture can promote effective retrospective review of insulin dose data. In a more continuous, asynchronous care model, patients, providers, and diabetes care teams will be able to make increasingly data-driven decisions and recommendations in real time, during scheduled visits, and in a more continuous, asynchronous care model.

Hybrid closed-loop insulin delivery, also known as a "artificial pancreas," is a novel technology that is propelling the insulin pump market. The system combines an insulin pump, a CGM, and a computer programme to deliver insulin automatically throughout the day based on real-time CGM data. For those who do not have access to or desire to use an insulin pump, the emergence of new technologies, such as smart insulin pens, caps, and attachments, provides alternatives to improve diabetic management with massive data that can promote insulin adherence, optimise insulin dosage, and reduce medication errors.

Smart insulin pens work in tandem with technology to make diabetes management easier. They can calculate insulin doses, send alerts, manage insulin on board, set helpful reminders, and generate detailed reports, among other things. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas's beta cells that serves a variety of functions. Blood sugar control is one of its primary functions. Insulin is known as the "gatekeeper" because it allows blood glucose molecules to enter cells and be used for energy.


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